The Closest Capitals in the World

Some capital cities are really close together - such as Montevideo, Uruguay and Buenos Aires, Argentina Honorable Mentions: Countries with two capitals - Full list here 1.Bratislava and Vienna - 55 km Bratislava in Slovakia and Vienna in Austria are very close capital cities, being 55 kilometers (34 miles) apart with frequent train connections between … Continue reading The Closest Capitals in the World

U.S. State Dpt. Says Liberia Safer than France

A Map of the State Department's Travel Risk Rankings By Country From Latest Data Provided Made With Mapchart This article isn't satire, but it has the best headline I have ever written. Liberia, a West African nation susceptible to Ebola, other deadly diseases, violent crime, and political corruption, is safer than France, which faces lesser … Continue reading U.S. State Dpt. Says Liberia Safer than France