The Cult-Led Theocratic Dictatorship Town

Rajneeshpuram’s relative location in Oregon from Sannyas Wiki Introduction While many towns have declared independence, been invaded by polar bears or a drunken citizen, no town’s individual history can match that of Rajneeshpuram in rural Oregon; a town which, while run by a theocratic cult leader dictator, invaded nearby areas and gained a weird form … Continue reading The Cult-Led Theocratic Dictatorship Town

Romania’s Kafkaesque and Orwellian Era

After reading Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm, Franz Kafka’s The Trial, and Romania: A Country Study from the Federal Research Division, I noticed some unfortunate similarities. Romania: A Country Study is an insightful look into the life of a seemingly pre-catalyst Romania that features a complete history up until the point it was written. The … Continue reading Romania’s Kafkaesque and Orwellian Era

Three More Made-Up Countries: a Mispronunciation, a Prank Call, and the Ultimate Scheme

Gregor MacGregor's Drawings of Poyais That Differed Immensely From Reality See the First Three - Nambia - 2017 At a conference with major African leaders, who the US usually pays fleeting amounts of attention to, Donald Trump accidentally created an internet phenomenon. “Nambia’s health care system is increasingly self-sufficient,” he said, most likely referring … Continue reading Three More Made-Up Countries: a Mispronunciation, a Prank Call, and the Ultimate Scheme

The Closest Capitals in the World

Some capital cities are really close together - such as Montevideo, Uruguay and Buenos Aires, Argentina Honorable Mentions: Countries with two capitals - Full list here 1.Bratislava and Vienna - 55 km Bratislava in Slovakia and Vienna in Austria are very close capital cities, being 55 kilometers (34 miles) apart with frequent train connections between … Continue reading The Closest Capitals in the World

The Two Longest Government Shutdowns in History

Credit: Think going for 35 days with no government is tough? Try 589, or better yet, 844! Today I'll discuss the two longest ever government shutdowns in history, the latter and longer of which is still going. Belgium Belgium had the second-longest government shutdown ever when their political crisis reached its summit. Now, for … Continue reading The Two Longest Government Shutdowns in History